Saturday, April 1

S K I N ◌ C O N F I D E N C E

S K I N 
Love yours, or hate yours, we all have it, so how does one go about being truly confident in our own skin? 

I will admit I have been lucky in that I've never really had problematic skin. Nor have I worried too much about the after-effects of not taking makeup off before bed (so bad, I know), not following a regime, and not thinking about what I put inside my body and how that has effect on the outside. However it wasn't until I did start taking care of my skin that I noticed the difference - and the lack of confidence I actually did have with my own skin. 

My skin confidence journey started with the help and education from my friends at Caci Clinic. I first started a treatment plan to address some minor concerns I had coming into my dirty thirties - loss of brightness/freshness. The plan was specifically designed to target my concerns and to help me understand the importance of looking after my skin! I started using Murad products at home, which being a routine gal, I loved having a morning/evening skin ritual.  

Within a month after starting my journey the results came, not only did my skin feel much smoother, I had a glow that I didn't realise I had been lacking! My makeup wore better on my face, my skin didn't feel dry at the end of a day spent in air conditioning, and I looked forward to taking 5mins-10mins every day to give some love back to my skin. 

As I continued with my daily routine, and visits to Caci Clinic I found a new confidence and was more than happy to leave the house without an inch of makeup on... not. an. inch. This is something I had never really thought about, but when I could comfortably walk out of the house knowing my skin was glowing and fresh-faced I realised how much confidence I really had gained. 

This pic below is me - at work - no makeup on (other than a splash of mascara). I urge you to find skin confidence, your skin will love you for it, and if you need some help on where to start I have some friends that are pretty bloody good at producing skin dreams!

With love from this fresh-face x 

Fresh faced

Sonophoresis Infusion treatment

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